When can I do a CDC on a flood affected property?
When does flooding preclude a complying development?
You cannot do a Complying Development (CDC) on any part of a flood control lot that is any of the following:
a) flood storage area
b) floodway area
c) a flow path
d) high hazard area
e) high risk area
It IS possible to do a CDC in areas that have no flood modelling. This is because these properties are not “flood control lots” yet.
CDCs are often possible in flood fringe areas. These are generally branches and shallow puddles at the edges of the main flood.
CDCs are also possible on flood affected lots where the project itself is clear of the water level (this is below the flood planning level).
Generally the flood event we consider for these definitions is the 1% Average Exceedance Probability (AEP) — this is the old 100-year flood.