How to get level street access for a flood-affected project

Street activation and flooding.

The traditional response to flood risk is to elevate floor levels above flood waters, or to use barriers to prevent water entering buildings and car parks.

However, this tends to create difficulties with street activation and is especially troublesome for accessibility where ramps and lifts take up valuable space at front of a retail area.

An alternative way is increasingly being successfully used, led by developers in Parramatta.

The idea is to get a valuable at-grade street interface for shops and cafes by accepting a higher chance of flooding. However, the flood risk is managed by placing lower value property in those areas and keeping more valuable items higher but towards the rear.

For example, dining tables and chairs can be placed in the lower floor levels while stock and equipment is at a higher level at the back of the shop. A bit like how a pharmacy stores bulk medication a couple of steps higher than the rest of the shop.

1102 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach recently obtained approval in Northern Beaches Council for such a scheme (albeit through the LEC). It is one of a few outside of Parramatta and perhaps marks a change in sentiment from (in this case, younger) council engineers to consider some more innovative ideas in flood protection.

Ian Warren
LEC decision creates upsides for flood affected sites

An important technical precedent was set late year in NSWLEC1568.

The commissioner really took apart Wollongong Council with respect to overland flow paths.

15 Nicholson Road, Bulli has a significant overland flow path running through it.

Any obstruction build in an overland flow path will divert water onto neighbours and roads. This diverted water can be captured and piped under a development, offsetting the impact of the obstruction. However almost all councils position for the past 30 years is that overland flow paths cannot be piped--they must be left open. (Nevermind that much of all modern cities are built on piped overland flow paths).

This means, effectively, that almost all land in an overland flow path cannot be built upon.

In this case, however, the Land and Environment Court agreed that the flow could be piped under the developmemt in a new culvert. In fact, the solution went further (to the dismay of Wollongong Council) allowing some of the water to be piped into an existing pipe under an existing road.

This precedent has far reaching impacts potentially creating development opportunities worth hundreds of billons of dollars.

If consistently applied, it means there are hidden opportunities on thousands of pieces of currently undevelopable land on or near overland flow paths.

On our client’s project we obtained approval for at 63 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park, our client has an 8 storey building. It lies in a significant overland flow path, effectively caused by an under capacity stormwater culvert. The GFA for the project was governed by the presence of this overland flow path (limiting the building footprint, the lowest floor level, and the basement size).

Had an upgrade of this culvert been permitted, the project could have realised perhaps an additional $20-30M in value with marginal cost increase.

I've previously written about how to identify overland flow paths here. But now, for an adventurous development team, these sites represent significant opportunities that most developers will overlook.

If you have a site or project you think might fit, one of us would be happy to take a look (at our cost) and let you know if there are any hidden upsides you can take advantage of.

Ian Warren
Rainfall changes: overlooked development opportunities

In 2016, the Bureau of Meteorology published an update to rainfall data for flood modelling—the first for 30 years.

In most areas, rainfall intensities went up. But for short duration (under 3 hours) coastal storms, intensities went down.

Because many council flood studies are older than 2017, this anomally has created some hidden opportunities.

There are a lot of areas along the coast, especially those with steep catchments, where outdated council flood studies are showing flooding on development sites that may not be flooded at all. Or, more common, flood depths and extents are smaller than they previously were.

Remodelling to reduce the flood impact can reveal significant opportunities.

- increase the number of lots available by shrinking the flood extent

- additional floors available by reducing the flood depth and minimum floor level

- reduce the need for costly suspended floors

Ian Warren
No split floor levels: flood-affected alterations and additions

Most councils are now requiring additions to a flood affected property to be at the most recent flood planning level. This frequently results in buildings with split floor levels and awkward design outcomes.

But there is a small group of architects and developers that are pushing back on this. In two NSW Land and Environment Court matters, rulings and agreements have been in favour of using a consistent floor level.

Sketch Design v Manly Council

Comission O’Neill said “the Council’s grim persistenace in insisting that the only way to satisfy the LEP is to construct the ground floor addition at the flood planning level determined for the site by the flood study is a blinkered approach that completely disregards all other constraints.”

Inner West Council v Arnott

The council agreed that a floor level lower than the flood planning level “is an acceptable alternative” because:

  • the DCP recognises the need to balance the flood controls with other relevant controls

  • the higher floor level would cause unacceptable heritage and town planning impacts

  • the proposed floor level reduces the site’s flood risk compared with the existing floor level

Ian Warren
A dive into natural pools

A dive into natural pools

(and how you can use one to save $30k on stormwater detention)

Natural pools use a combination of plants, algae, sun and soil to keep pool water clean and safe.

  • Disinfection by natural ultraviolet light

  • Pool can be topped up from roof rainwater

  • Pool and overflow to stormwater

Biofilter regneration zone takes up nitrogen and phosphorous

Biofilter is about 30% of the volume of the swim zone

No ongoing chlorine or filter costs

On site stormwater detention built into pool - savings on tanks offsets extra cost for natural pool

Public natural pools are common in the US and Europe but regulation has precluded their use in Australia so far

Natural pools like these ones built by Julien Roy’s team at have a build budget about 30% more than a conventional pool. But they offer significant long term savings.

Ian Warren
No eaves gutters, no downpipes -- how you can do it

This beautiful central courtyard is in the Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service building in Newman, Western Australia. It has no eaves gutters and no downpipes. We design it his way to keep the roof eaves line clean and simple. And to make a feature of the rainwater (which falls only one month per year).

The entire roof falls to the courtyard but the stormwater is collected in a custom gutter that is integrated into the structure and hidden behind the fascia. The roof is supported by a system of I-beams. To avoid blocking the stormwater, the beam webs have penetrations to allow the network of drainage channels to connect.

Instead of using conventional downpipes. the falling water cascades into the dry river bed within the garden and passes out through the courtyard to the external landscaping.

Researched and written for you by Ian.

Ian Warren
When can I do a CDC on a flood affected property?

When does flooding preclude a complying development?

You cannot do a Complying Development (CDC) on any part of a flood control lot that is any of the following:

a) flood storage area

b) floodway area

c) a flow path

d) high hazard area

e) high risk area

It IS possible to do a CDC in areas that have no flood modelling. This is because these properties are not “flood control lots” yet.

CDCs are often possible in flood fringe areas. These are generally branches and shallow puddles at the edges of the main flood.

CDCs are also possible on flood affected lots where the project itself is clear of the water level (this is below the flood planning level).

Generally the flood event we consider for these definitions is the 1% Average Exceedance Probability (AEP) — this is the old 100-year flood.

Ian Warren
How do design safely around flooding - Episode 1

Projects in flood zones: why so problematic?

Why not simply filly and raise it above the flood?

The most difficult problems to solve on flood affected sites are not protecting a building from flooding, rather not making flooding worse for others.

The conventional solution is to suspend everything over the water. But this is not always possible and increasingly—for example in Parramatta—not permitted.

Instead, other techniques such as offset storage (excavating a hole) can be used.

Or a demolished obstruction can be netted off against.

The central idea is that there is a number of options to offset or net off flood impacts, especially if there is plenty of space between the building and the downstream boundary.

The precise impacts and results are modelled using software in an iterative process.

  • Close of filled subfloors obstruct the flow

  • Suspended floors with open subfloors: flow characteristics are unchanged by the building

Ian Warren
Stormwater easements and why council policies are wrong

Stormwater easement: you probably don’t need one.


An easement is required, under common law, when the stormwater would be a nuisance.


A nuisance is:

-       where the stormwater flow is larger than it would be naturally

-       where stormwater causes a significant interference with an occupier’s interest in the beneficial use of their land




-       a higher land owner does not require an easement over a lower land owner merely because surface waters flow from one to the other

-       if a more concentrated flow occurs because of natural use of the land, generally there will be no nuisance


There is a common law right for an upstream landowner to allow water to flow downstream to neighbouring properties through a natural watercourse or depression.




-       Drainage by natural gravity (as long as the flow is not artificially increased) is not a nuisance and does not require an easement


So what?


If the peak flow rate is preserved (or reduced) from the natural drainage, there is no nuisance and no easement is required.


How does this help?


Preserving the natural flow rate is something that can be done with engineering solutions, even for the most intensive development projects.


-       Charging roofs up to the street

-       Adding detention systems

-       Making more surfaces pervious


What does this mean?


If a large portion of the site can be captured in a detention system, it’s not that hard to match natural flows. And there is no limit on the development size. A 50 storey tower could get a DA with no easement.


Not only that, for sites lower in the catchment, the natural peak comes very late in the storm. It’s a simple matter to show that developing a site without any stormwater detention can reduce the peak flow compared to the natural peak. And an easement is not required.


Thanks to my colleague Gavin Shapiro, Parter at Hones Lawyers for the handy legal tips on this one. (We got a real project over the DA line using this argument).


Call to action


If you want a bit more advice solving this problem or evaluating a potential site, drop either Gavin or me an email

Ian Warren
Make your basement ramps shorter

Here is a simple idea to make your basement ramp shorter.

The flat (5%) grade) part of the ramp approaching the boundary is designed so that a driver can see a toddler over the bonnet of the car. But alternative ramps lower the driver’s eye by only a small amount.

In this example, the driver can see any 3-year-old child at the required distance (according to World Health Organisation data recommended for use in Australia,

And the benefits are big:

Less excavation for a smaller basement

Avoid services

More car parking

Building can be closer to the boundary

There are lots of ramp alternatives based on this idea. You don’t have to follow the textbook. So get creative and let us know if you need any help.

Ian Warren
Flood barriers for more parking spaces

How flood barriers save cost and create extra parking.

Raising floor levels to protect from flooding is often no practical, or even possible. Here are 5 barrier alternatives.

For projects with basements, using a flood barrier instead of a crest ca reduce the ramp length, saving excavation cost and creating more room for parking spaces.

Ian Warren
Stormwater drainage away from the street (without an easement)

Stormwater drainage without an easement

Councils say they need an easement for all properties falling away from the street. But for all single homes, many subdivisions and multi-res projects, there are some much cheaper and faster alternatives.

Scenario 1

Charge as much of the roof to the street as you can (any roof higher than 1.5m above the kerb level). This reduces flow to the rear lot, which is often sufficient justification for council. Ideally you still want gravity fall from the front bondary to the kerb. But if that’s not possible you can use a charged tank or pit on the boundary.

Scenario 2

Often some of all of the roof is too low to charge. In this case, you can mimic the predevelopment or even the natural flow by using a detention tank. This solution also works well if (regardless of roof height), you need a rainwater tank at the rear (say for BASIX, Greenstar or Section J).

Your rainwater tank can accept some of the roof water and then overflow to the detention system.

Scenario 3

In many case there will be a trunk stormwater pipe in the street. If the invert of this pipe is lower than your roof, you can drain directly into it. For larger developments, this usually requires building a new pit at the connection point.

Similar to scenario 1, this removes a lot of water from the property, reducing the flow to the rear neighbour.


Most solutions end up being a combination of the one or more of these scenarios. The ultimate goal is to justify the solution by reducing flow to the rear neighbour to an acceptable level.

If you need some help with this and you received this email directly from me, we can run a quick check on these options for you.

Ian Warren
Is my project impacted by flooding?

Link for QR code above — Stellen Council Contact List

How do I know if my project is flood-affected?


Here is the 10min self-cheek that we use:


  • Physical clues

  • the site is low lying or a few hundred metres from a waterway. 

  • nearby buildings-especially newer ones-are raised. 

  • Flood studies

  • Check if there is one by searching the stream or catchment name at 

  • Check flood studies on exhibition, for example

  • If required, call the council engineer directly.

  • In the study, go to the appendix maps.

  •  Check the flood extents for: 1% AEP and PMF(If you have a basement) 

Use our Council Contact List Here *(Barcode here)* 

Diagram 1 

  • 1% AEP is blue 

  • PMF is purple


  • Sag point

  • Does the street, in front or behind, rise in both directions?

  • Is the property in or near a natural gully?(check Google Earth 30)

  • Council stormwater pipe nearby

  • Is there a sag pit in the street nearby?

  • Are there visible pit lids on the property or on the neighbour's? 

Diagram 2 (SAG PIT) 

  • Sag pits have a grate in the middle rather than the edges

  • Pipe

Diagram 3

  • This part visible 

  • Typical stormwater pit lid. 

If any of these checks come up positive you probably have some flood impact.

If you get stuck, email me. One of us can do these checks for you quite quickly.

(If you received this email from me, that means you're part of our inner-circle- the flood check is free, for you.)

Prepared for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren
Eating a hamburger = 90 min shower?

Is eating a hamburger equivalent to taking a 90-minute shower?


A study by the Water Footprint Network claims that throwing out just one hamburger wastes as much water as a 90-minute shower.

The trend toward a more plant-based lifestyle is the result of copious claims suggesting our meaty diet is devouring resources, destroying our planet, and decaying our bodies. While we could certainly all eat a lot less meat (Australians are the world's largest meat consumers), it's not as black-and-white as this overblown claim suggests.

One of the major environmental concerns surrounds the quantity of water used in meat production. Globally, meat production claims about one-quarter of all agricultural water, about 8,300km3 annually. Feed crops are about 90% of that with the rest in drinking and washing water. Almost all of this is virtual water. Like embedded energy, it is the water that is hidden in the processes and supply chain - not simply the water in the finished product. But, different from embodied energy, a large portion of this - mostly green water - is not lost. And does not result in pollution. Instead, it reenters the atmosphere through evaporation and plant transpiration before precipitation downstream.

It's important where the feed for your meat is grown. In Australia, 90% of all land used for food production is dedicated to grazing pastures. That's almost half of the entire continent! Though the national feedlot capacity in 2020 reached 1.5 million (of a total herd size of about 24 million), only 97% of the herd is grazing pastures at any one time. That's still a whopping number. But it's important to note that whether or not the cattle are grazing these pastures, the rain would still fall on these areas, which aren't always suited to growing crops. As well as beef, Australian lamb is overwhelmingly consuming green water. In fact, if you subtract the green water from a cut of Victorian lamb, the total virtual water usage is just 44L/kg. That's a delicious roast lamb full of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals produced using the same volume of water you'd use for a bath!

With the outrageous claim about the hamburger using 2,400 litres of water, the use of green water was overlooked. Smil, an American researcher, explains that 15,000 litres is the minimum water requirement for producing a kilogram of boneless beef but only half a litre of that is actually incorporated into the meat. More than 99% of the water needed is for the growth of the feed crops. Thus, it is important to draw a distinction between green water, blue water and grey water and not condemn meat to an excessively water-intensive commodity.

At the end of the day, water is crucial for growth: of animals, plants, and human beings. The green water used in feed production is not consumed. It doesn't simply disappear. The evapotranspired water reenters the atmosphere. The same water that falls on lamb pastures in Victoria could rapidly condense on a nearby plant, or the molecules could travel hundreds to thousands of kilometres downwind, perhaps showering on juicy Queensland mangoes a day later.

While there is truth to a lot of the claims surrounding meat, as you can now see - a lot of them have been watered down. Meat is a great source of dietary protein and large-scale studies show that there is no adverse effect to moderate meat consumption. A study that looked at the tie between meat consumption and longevity found no major distinction between the societies that consumed moderate amounts of meat and those that consumed substantial amounts of meat. However, as with anything, moderation is key. We would benefit our bodies and the environment by consuming moderate amounts of good-quality, sustainably produced meat.


✔️ 90% green water 

✔️ 5% Blue water

✔️ 5% Grey water

Ian Warren
Why are there so many 100-year floods?

Why are there so many 1-in-100 Year Floods ?

Factors that Determine a 1-in-100-Year Flood (some of them)

Diagram 1 - Issue 16

  • How the rainfall changes during the storm(storm shape and intensity) 

  • Size of water catchment 

  • Shape of the land(steep or hollow) 

  • Position of your house in the catchment

  • Condition of stormwater pipes and PRFs

  • Land coverage(trees, buildings, highways) 

With so many independent factors, each square metre of your city has a unique 1-in-100-year flood flow - which means in any significant rain event, there is a good chance somewhere in your city experiences a 1-100 year flood or even a 1-1000 year flood! 

For example, you could make a grid of about 100 points in the Sydney area. The 1-hour, 1% AEP (100 year) value has 1% chance of occurring at each of these points in a particular year, which means that there is a good chance (63% assuming full independence of points) of a 1- hour, 1% AEP event occurring somewhere in the general Sydney area in each calendar year. 

Climate modeling that predicts storm frequency and intensity are likely to increase, but be careful not to let journalists trick you into believing your house will flood every second year.

Ian Warren
Most people have no idea how glass is made

The Carbon Footprint of Plate Glass

Glass production is energy intensive at around 10EJ/t (similar to steel). Like steel, it also cannot be eastly decarbonised. Alternatives to the process below that burn hydrogen or carbon-free synthetic methane (made from captured CO₂) remain about 5x more expensive.

~90% of the energy used to make glass comes from natural gas! Australia's single manufacturing plant, like all plants globally, is dependent on fossil energy.

Diagram 1 - Issue 15

  • Raw Material - Sand, soda, dolomite, limestone, cullet. 

  • Float Bath - A moving ribbon of molten glass floats on the surface of a perfectly flat molten tin. 

  • Furnace - materials are melted by a gas furnace at 1,600°C. 

  • Annealing Lehr - Glass is annealed and gradually cooled to 200°C to prevent splitting during the cutting phase. 

  • Cutting - The glass ribbon is cut automatically as it moves. 

  • Stacking and Off Loading - Stackers and cranes offload the glass to warehouses for distribution. 

But amorphous silicon can be added to the plate glass to create a transparent, electricity-generating window - a convenient and invisible contribution to lower carbon intensity.

Diagram 2 - Issue 15

  • About 1% of all primary energy is used to make glass

  • 10% of the total energy used on earth 500 EJ/year

  1. SMIL, V. 2022 IEEE Spectrum April 2022: 18-19

  2. Making the modern world, Vaclav SMIL, 2014

  3. Australian Govt, Clear Float Glass Industry Report, April 2021

Prepared for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren
How to save $30k on stormwater detention

How to save your client $30K on on-site stormwater detention (OSD).

The average cost of 5 OSD systems is 10-15kl in Sydney, 2022. 

The purpose of OSD is to relieve pressure on the council's stormwater system. 

In particular, the critical pipes slow down in the catchment. 

Here in this example at Avalon Beach, these pipes are around the shopping area and beach.

Diagram 1, Issue 14

Flow for whole catchment(at this location) 

  • Property without OSD

  • Property with OSD

  • OSD is making council's problem worse by this amount

  • Time of whole catchment peak

Diagram 2, Issue 14

  • OSD reduces the peak flows from each property

  • Squashing the curve by dragging the flow out over a longer duration 

  • Flow for one property 

But for locations low in the catchment, dragging the flow out over time means the flow from the property with OSD coincides with the peak flow of the whole catchment. Or thinking in reverse, we are better off draining the low properties as early as possible in the storm, before the "wave" arrives from upstream.

Regardless of any council stormwater policy, mathematics and physics always make this true.

I estimate that 20-30% of all OSD systems are not only futile but counterproductive to their very purpose. 

It's time that we called out this lazy policy-writing. To save cost and space for both our clients and our community.

Prepared for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren
Solomon Islands -- Some Recent Wins

Solomon Islands - Some recent wins

We kicked off our sanitation program for 2022. 

30 Village VIP toilets to be built: moving toward our goal for Ranongga Island. 

N.O.D (no open defecation)

This is part of our broader program, partnering with Unicef to support Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) 

-An international effort to tackle the water-borne disease impact on 2 billion people.

Our local team members are rolling out CLTS to 35 villages and 5 schools. 

Here they have just graduated from the training course in May.

This year, we are trialing a new product - the Sotopan - in place of a conventional toilet pan. 

It has a self-closing valve that reduces disease from flying insects and reduces the volume of water needed to flush. 

Bonus: it costs 98% less than a normal toilet.

Lastly, we're running our regular maintenance for our water supply systems. About 2,000 people will benefit from repairs to dams, pipes, valves, and taps. This makes a big difference to system reliability.

We contribute 15% of our profit. 

If you'd like to contribute, get in touch. 

Prepared especially for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren
How much space will renewable energy require?

Renewable energy will require an enormous amount of space - how much?

Power density in the chart below indicates energy per unit time per square metre of the earth's surface. Power producers must watch consumers. 


Diagram 1, Issue 12

  • Power range per square metre of each producer or consumer

  • Data from power densities(SMIL, 2015)

  • The total area range of each producer or consumer requires 

  • Thermal electricity(coal, oil, nuclear) has a power density about 1000x times 1000 smaller than the city it supplies.

  • Rooftop solar PV works well for many houses

  • Biofuels for Melbourne's urban traffic would require 10-100x the area of the city - perhaps the entire state of Victoria. 

  • A typical solar PV farm would need to be 5-10x the size of the city it supplies. Sydney would need a PV farm on the order of the size of Ireland, or all of NSW crop land. 

Tomorrow's net-zero communities - which will inherit today's housing, commercial, industrial, and transportation - will provide the same level of useful energy as today's fossil-fuel based energy systems. 

Researched and handwritten for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren
The misguided idea of "buy local"

The misguided idea of "buying local"

Food production causes about 25% of global greenhouse gasses (GHA). Many of us assume that eating local is the key to a low carbon diet, even the UN recommends it. While it might make sense intuitively (transport does lead to emissions), it is a very misguided advice.

Diagram 1, Issue 11

  • Transport makes up a very small percentage of food's total emissions — about 6% globally. 

  • Most of food's GHG emissions are non-CO²: nitrous-oxide and methane. NO²(which is 298x more potent than Co²) is caused by fertiliser for meat, livestock, and feed crops. 

  • This tiny red segment 

  • This green part is GHG from things like deforestation and changes in soil carbon. 

  • Australians are the second largest meat consumers and the second largest beef consumers, per-capita in the world. 

Buying only local food would reduce an Australian household's emissions by only about 0.7%.

If a  household swapped beef for vegetables, fish, or eggs just one day per week, the beef emissions savings would be about 2% more than double the savings of buying all food locally. (which would be impossible anyway)

What we buy is much much more important than its origin. 

Researched and handwritten for you by Ian 🙂

Ian Warren